This ancient hostelry, which was already trading when Licensing Laws were introduced in 1760, was located at 17, St Peter's Street, behind the fishmarket.
In White's Directory of 1836 it was noted for its religious sign which depicted a representation of the "Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary" i.e. the Virgin Mary's heart pierced with five swords. In the same year the Oddfellows were introduced to the City and the first annual dinner of the Norwich Lodge was hosted here.
By the time the photograph on the left was taken c 1890 (reproduced by kind permission of the Norfolk Library and Information Service) the name had been changed to the Wounded Hart and the sign depicted a hart or stag wounded by an arrow.
In 1915 in a fit of patriotism the name was changed again to The Kitchener's Arms. The premises finally ceased trading in 1928. George Plunketts photo (right) was taken in 1934 just before it was destroyed to make way for the the new City Hall.