Robert Page 1707 - 1778
Robert Page (1707 - 1787)was a members of the "Norwich School" of monumental masons. described by many as the best of the Norwich statutaries his works are distinguished by the use he makes of coloured marbles (which are often used as veneers), charming cherubs and elegant sarcophagi.

His first known work monument to John Moore (died 1725) in the Cathedral, is architectural and he incorporate his trademarkof using a variety of marbles to great effect. The cluster of three cherubs, which are carved on the apron of this monument can also be seen on the monuments to Edward Coleburne (1693 - 1730) in St Peter Mancroft and Dr Thomas Crowe (1672 - 1751)in St Andrew's . Noel Spencer believes the latter (on left above) "cherub heads are the most delightful I have ever seen".
His simple white tablet (on left) commemorating Mary Lubbock (1706 - 1729 ) in St George Colegate is believed by Pvesner to set the tone for much of the eighteenth century" The monument to his own family in St John Timberhill (click here for details) features a weeping putto holding a cartouche
Just as Page benefitted from his apprentiscehip to Robert Singleton, Page passed his expertise on to John Ivory, nephew of the Norwich architect Thomas Ivory.